Archive for Oktober, 2018
File Permissions with Linux
by admin on Okt.24, 2018, under Computer
There are three types of access restrictions:
Permission Action chmod option
read (view) r or 4
write (edit) w or 2
execute (execute) x or 1
There are also three types of user restrictions:
User ls output
owner -rwx------
group ----rwx---
other -------rwx
Folder/Directory Permissions
Permission Action chmod option
read (view contents: i.e., ls command) r or 4
write (create or remove files from dir) w or 2
execute (cd into directory) x or 1
Numeric notation
Another method for representing Linux permissions is an octal notation as shown by stat -c %a
. This notation consists of at least three digits. Each of the three rightmost digits represents a different component of the permissions: owner, group, and others.
Each of these digits is the sum of its component bits in the binary numeral system:
Symbolic Notation Octal Notation English
---------- 0000 no permissions
---x--x--x 0111 execute
--w--w--w- 0222 write
--wx-wx-wx 0333 write & execute
-r--r--r-- 0444 read
-r-xr-xr-x 0555 read & execute
-rw-rw-rw- 0666 read & write
-rwxrwxrwx 0777 read, write & execute
Now, what does 755 mean?
This means that the directory has the default permissions -rwxr-xr-x
(represented in octal notation as 0755).